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Special Education Certificate

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Certificate Overview

许多有执照的通识教育教师正面临着在课堂上满足残疾学生需求的挑战. BW的特殊教育证书旨在为普通教育课堂提供所需的工具和技能,以更好地为残疾学习者服务.

BW的重点是应用学习,这意味着你将能够立即使用你所学的知识. 特殊教育证书课程完全是在线的,为在职教师提供了灵活性.

This certificate is beneficial for:

  1. 有执照的教师寻求满足在课堂上为残疾学习者服务的挑战.
  2. 对残疾学生的需求和服务感兴趣的管理人员. As leaders in their buildings/district, 大部分时间都花在与其他人一起解决与残疾学习者的需求有关的问题上. Thus, understanding their needs is essential.

Note: The certificate is not endorsed by the state of Ohio, nor does it confer any official state licensure.


Dr. Debra Janas
Professor and Coordinator, Intervention Specialist Program

Special Education Certificate Curriculum

该证书包括三门课程(9学分),完全在线提供. 它是为K-12教师以及有兴趣了解残疾学生所需支持的管理人员设计的. 这些课程也可以应用到高级实践辅修课程中,作为MAEd学位的一部分.

  • EDU 573 特殊需要儿童教育(秋季、春季、夏季1)
  • EDU 574 轻度/中度教育需要学生简介(秋季、春季)
  • EDU 576 轻度/中度教育需要学生课堂管理(秋季)


2024-25 Tuition

MAEd Program for K-12 Educators Per Credit Hour
MAEd Graduate Courses $580


Tuition Discounts

School Partnership Program

鲍德温华莱士为主要合作伙伴学区的教育工作者提供每学时525美元的折扣学费. Learn more about our school partnership program.

BW Graduate Alumni Award

BW alumni who enroll in this program are eligible for the BW Graduate Alumni Award.

Financial Aid

Loans for Graduate Students


If this is your first graduate degree, 或者你获得了与K-12教育无关的研究生或专业学位, you may consider pursuing federal direct student loans, graduate PLUS loans, or private education loans.

已经获得与K-12教育相关的硕士学位的研究生可以利用私人教育贷款, 这些贷款的利率和还款选择通常与联邦贷款一样有竞争力,甚至可能更好.